Without diving into the technicalities, all these calculations tell you the same thing: the less the price of something changes, the less risky it is as an investment. And as you can see in the chart, residential rental income doesn’t change very much… at least not when compared to other assets.
I also continued to develop my skills of managing risk with fundamental valuations, capital structure and derivatives: options, swaps, etc.
I soon realized that what I had done with my real estate fund in terms of protecting it from market risk was the holy grail of Wall Street.
I thoroughly understood private securities law and the mechanics of raising capital…
I thoroughly understood risk engineering…
And I had a very stable asset to build everything on: rental income.
I was now equipped to compete directly with Wall Street!
Instead of being relegated to competing for the few investors who were willing to passively invest in real estate, I could now issue securities that were verifiably better than just about anything else available… from Apple stock to U.S. Treasury bonds.
I could go head-to-head with any asset manager regardless of asset class!
In 2016, I wound down my primary fund and restructured my business into a boutique investment bank so that I could apply all that I had learned to help other real estate assets managers take advantage of our unique opportunity...
Shortly thereafter, we began working with brilliant asset managers in just about every asset class imaginable–from the most sophisticated synthetic risk transfer to well-engineered quantitative equity strategies–that were able to generate better risk-adjusted performance than what could be found anywhere else!
As most people know, securities laws are extremely complex and vague. This dynamic creates a trap that unsuspecting business owners often fall into unwittingly. Once ensnared, it can be nearly impossible to escape unscathed…
It is illegal for certain types of private funds to advertise for investors. For the type of funds I manage, securities law requires us to have a pre-existing relationship with an individual before we can introduce our offering.
As a means to establish these pre-existing relationships with the right investors for our funds, I developed a comprehensive course: the Accredited Investment Professional (“AIP”). It was designed to accomplish a few different things:
first, to educate real estate investors and agents on the financial concepts used by Wall Street to raise unlimited capital and effectively manage risk, which helped improve the quality of our borrowers,
second, to educate high net worth individuals on how to evaluate investments in terms of the only three variables that matter: risk, return & liquidity, and
third, to create brand awareness for our firm by communicating our unique expertise.
One thing I quickly found was that people really don’t like making the effort to learn.
The second thing I found was that once people read the AIP course syllabus, they recognized our expertise could help them tremendously…
One day, I received an inquiry that seemed a little different from the others. Our course whiteboard advertisement had landed in the hands of a multi-family, deep value-add operator who was in desperate need of help. They were being investigated by several states in addition to the SEC for illegal fundraising activities, and to make matters worse, their portfolio was insolvent, meaning they owed their debt investors more than their assets were worth. We worked with them for over a year to restructure their capital stack and methods of raising money.
A little later, we’ll provide you an opportunity to access this case study that anonymously details the circumstances and the mechanics of how we rescued this firm from the brink of bankruptcy and prison to compliantly and profitably raising over $5 million a month.
All of my expertise and resources worked in concert to eliminate their regulatory burden, greatly improve their profitability, protect them from market risk, and raise unlimited capital.
I wondered how many other alternative asset managers were unwittingly heading down a similar path... I could save them a lot of money, a lot of stress, and help them grow exponentially faster... a lot sooner... if they would work with me from the time they were first starting out instead of after they found themselves stuck in a position where they couldn't raise the capital they need... or worse, facing legal and financial crisis.
From that point on, I decided to make this effort my primary business… to apply my unique skillset to help every serious alternative asset manager I could maximize their potential to pose a serious challenge to the dysfunction and corruption of Wall Street.
I liquidated my primary fund to remove conflicts of interest and restructured Adagio into a de facto boutique investment bank… so now I can.
Adagio now engages in a full complement of financial services providing third-party, quantitative risk analytics, institutional-grade fund management, and boutique investment banking services to the alternatives space.
Whether you’re a saver with a nest egg that you need to safely generate income, a relationship builder, or you’re already in the investment business, we’ve got uniquely powerful solutions for you to achieve financial independence.
For those who want these solutions for themselves, I wrote the book on the subject and developed its companion masterclass: The Shadow Banker’s Secrets: Investment Banking for Alternatives. When go through The Shadow Banker's Secrets, you’re going to discover how to use the most esoteric skills of the banking industry to beat the system at its own game.
This book and masterclass share my extensive knowledge and provides you all the information you'll need to protect yourself from market crises, and even create highly valuable capital out of thin air as your own shadow bank.
We've tailored the information to meet the needs of every market participant: from the most sophisticated financial professionals to those who've never even thought about the subject. This is why we ask you to choose the profession, or role in the market, you identify with most before accessing the masterclass. It's structured so that no matter what your background is, all you need is a willingness to learn, and by the end, you'll be amazed by what you've just been exposed to. Here are a few examples of what the different facets of the market will learn:
Alternative asset managers, such as real estate syndicators and hedge fund managers, you’ll learn how to quickly and compliantly raise hundreds of millions of dollars by measuring, improving and communicating the risk-adjusted performance of your investment model, packaging it under an institutional-grade fund, and distributing that fund through the appropriate capital market channels to meet demand.
Financial professionals, you’ll learn how to quickly and compliantly grow your client base and reduce regulatory risk by definitively, quantifiably measuring the risk characteristics of any asset–including alternatives–and providing all your client–including non-accredited investors–access to transparent, institutional-grade private structured products that generate better risk-adjusted performance than what’s otherwise available through the capital markets. This is achieved by taking advantage of inefficiencies in private markets that provide unique arbitrage opportunities via best-in-class asset managers.
Retail investors, you’ll learn how to achieve peace of mind knowing you can retire comfortably with confidence that your investment portfolio is generating the highest returns possible with the least amount of risk. You’ll be able to definitively measure the risk associated with all of your investments–from the stocks, bonds and mutual funds recommended by your financial advisors to hedge funds and real estate–and gain exclusive access to the best risk-adjusted investment performance available… assets that are otherwise only available to the top 0.1%.
Financial professionals without FINRA licenses such as accountants, attorneys, independent insurance agents, IRA custodians, real estate brokers, and marketers, you’ll learn how to quickly grow and monetize your client base by compliantly providing it exclusive access to the best risk-adjusted investment performance available via institutional-grade private structured products. I’m talking about 6%-8% fixed income with Treasury level risk and 25%-30% RAP.
I know many of you may not be familiar with some of the terms I just used, but that’s okay. Nonetheless, they are ideas that everyone who has any interest in money should know, and everyone who goes through the masterclass will know them.
As part of its public charity mission, Adagio Institute is bringing you my expertise risk-free and at an extraordinarily discounted rate. It’s my passion to not only educate people on how The Fed and banking system work, but to provide powerful solutions that allow smart and driven people the opportunity to escape their shackles.
This book and masterclass cover exactly what I’d tell you if you were sitting with me in person for three hours.
I know that everyone's circumstances are unique and you may need some assistance in applying what you learned to achieve your specific goals.
I want to make sure that no stone was left unturned, so I'm also providing you both the case study on our first investment banking client that I mentioned earlier and a one-hour consultation at no additional expense to help you apply everything you learned to your specific circumstances and reach your goals.
The book, masterclass and my one-hour consultation with all the additional resources brings the total value of this offer to well over $4,000!
For a limited time, I’m making this #1 international bestseller book available in hardcover for free—just cover shipping. You’ll also have a one-time opportunity to upgrade your order with immediate access to the book’s companion masterclass, which includes access to my mastermind group, in addition to a private strategy session with me to help you apply what you learned to your specific circumstances.
This unprecedented offer reveals the proven Wall Street techniques I learned over my 15 plus years of experience as a quantitative alternative asset manager successfully navigating both the 2008 and 2020 financial crises, and developing innovative distribution infrastructure dedicated to providing deserving asset managers access to all the capital they can responsibly deploy.
Just imagine what life will be like when you’re free of the boom-bust cycle and have the power to create all the capital you can responsibly use just like the banking system.
To make this vision your reality, order The Shadow Banker’s Secrets Book and Masterclass, download all the presentation slides, and join the private mastermind group. You can access the masterclass immediately or take it at any time at your own pace.
While we all continue the long fight against the banking cartel, you can escape its golden handcuffs right now by using its skills, techniques, tools and esoteric expertise against it.
But time is running out... with each passing day the window to escape the clutches of the banking cartel with its government and corporate henchmen closes a little further...
If you want to turn the tables on the banking industry, this is your time, and this is your one opportunity…
Warm regards,